BBPL Client Code Modification Policy (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Investor Grievance Redressal Policy (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Margin Trading Policy (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Policy and Procedures document (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Prefunded Instruments and Electronic Transfers Policy (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Policy on facsimile (scanned) signature on physical contract notes (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Conflict of Interest Policy (last reviewed on 1-July-2024)
BBPL Risk Management Policy (last reviewed on 01-Jul-2024)

Old trading account forms format

Individual non Individual (Old Forms 2012 to 2014)
Broking KYC set February 22 onwards
Broking KYC set May 23 onwards
Broking KYC set April 24 onwards
Account Closing form - Demat
Account Closing Form - Broking
Annual Updation Form - Combined
Re-KYC Form
Annexure 2.1 Additional KYC Form for Opening a Demat Account for Individuals
Annexure 2.2 Additional KYC Form for Opening a Demat Account for Non- Individuals
Annexure 2.2A Details of Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) Related to Politically Exposed Persons (RPEP). [For- -individual]
Annexure 2.3 Instructions for the Applicants/BOs for Account Opening
Annexure 2.4 SMART Terms & Conditions- -Registration Form
Anneure 2.5 Option Form for Issue of DIS Booklet
Annexure 2.7 Rights and Obligations of Beneficial Owner and Depository Participant as prescribed by SEBI and Depositories
Annexure 3.1 Account Details Addition / Modification / Deletion Request Form
Annexure 3.2 Nomination Form
Annexure 4.1 Dematerialization Request Form
Annexure 4.2 Transposition Request Form
Annexure 4.3 Format of Indemnity for loss of shares in transit
Annexure 4.5 Transmission Request Form (death of one of the joint holders)
Annexure 6.1 Instruction Form for Purchase Waiver
Annexure 6.5 Letter to Modify / Delete Instruction Slip
Annexure 6.7 Fax Indemnity Format
Annexure 7.1 Transmission Request Form (death of sole holder)
Annexure 7.2 Transmission Request Form (death of one of the joint holders)
Annexure 7.3 Letter of Indemnity
Annexure 7.5 Affidavit
Annexure 8.1 Pledge Request Form
Annexure 8.2 Unpledge Request Form
Annexure 8.3 Invocation Request Form
Annexure 9.1 Rematerialization Request Form
Annexure 9.2 Repurchase Request Form
Annexure 10.1 Account Closure Request Form
Annexure 10.2 Format Letter for Rejection of DRN
Annexure 10.3 Format of letter from BO to DP
Annexure 10.4 Format of letter from DP to CDSL
Annexure 13.1 Freeze/Unfreeze Request Form
Annexure 16.1 Format of Consent Letter by BO for "easi" facility
Annexure 17.7 Simple Dos and Donts for managing demat account
Annexure 18.1 Destatementization Request Form
Annexure 18.3 Restatementization Request Form (MF-RRF)
Annexure 18.4 Repurchase / Redemption Request Form
Annexure 19.1 Non Disposal Undertaking (NDU)
Mutual Fund Units_Destatementized Form
List of Authorised Persons
15 Assamese
FAQ's on Money Laundering as given by FATF

Pursuant to SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/84 dated 08-Jun-2023

Sr. No. Name of Bank Account Bank Account number IFSC
1. HDFC Bank(Preferred account) 00600340051963 HDFC0000060
2. Axis Bank 004010201287633 UTIB0000004
3. Bank of India 008620100002471 BKID0000086
4. RBL Bank 400004200002 RATN0000070
5. Bank of India* 008620110003239 BKID0000086

* Used primarily for collection of demat charges/ demat bills
Investors are requested to note that BCB Brokerage Private Limited is permitted to receive from investor through designated banks accounts only tagged as Upstreaming Client Nodal Bank Accounts (USCNBA). BCB Brokerage Private Limited is also required to disclose these client bank accounts to Stock Exchange. Hence, you are requested to use following client bank accounts only for the purpose of dealings in your trading account with us. The details of these client bank accounts are also displayed by Stock Exchanges on their website under “Member Directory”

1 12010400-00000241 CDSL Principal a/c
2 12010400-00000256 CDSL Pool a/c
3 12010400-00013717 CDSL Pool a/c
4 12010400-00055686 CDSL Client Securities Margin Pledge A/c
5 12010400-00056204 CDSL Client Securities Margin Funding A/c
6 12010400-00056219 CDSL Client Securities Margin Pledge A/c
7 IN300652 10326058 NSDL Pool a/c (CM BP ID IN657545)
8 IN300652-10326066 NSDL Pool a/c (CM BP ID IN657971)
9 IN300652-10362520 NSDL Client Securities Margin Pledge A/c
10 11000010-00012526 CDSL Early pay-in account
Company Identification Number U67120MH2000PTC129742
AMFI Registration Number (ARN) issued by Association of Mutual Funds of India(AMFI) 6672
Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) AABCB6947P
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) 7CR20N.99999.SL.356
SEBI Registration Number (Stock Broker) INZ000200633 (Old Regn no.INF231161135, INB231161135,INE011161131,INB011161131 & INF011161131)
SEBI Registration Number (Merchant Banker) INM000012078
Depository Participant IN-DP-438-2019 (Old Regn no. IN-DP-CDSL-05-99)
Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration number 27AABCB6947P2Z0
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Code number 335800XVMMLWEI9G4A10
Filing compliant on SCORES – Easy & quick
a. Register on SCORES portal
b. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES
I. Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID
c. Benefits:
i. Effective Communication
ii. Speedy redressal of the grievances /
Procedure to open Trading/Demat Account
Further to SEBI circular ref. SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2024/1 dated 05-Jan-2024 on the subject of “Framework for Short Selling”. Under the same, all brokers (including BCB Brokerage Private Limited) are mandated to collect the details on scrip-wise short sell positions, collate the data and upload it to the stock exchanges before the commencement of trading on the following trading day
Any retail client of BCB Brokerage Private Limited who short sells is required to:
1. Send an email to with the subject Heading “Short Sell” providing details of their short sell trades
2. The said email should be sent before 4:30 pm on the trading day to meet the extant regulatory requirements
Attention Investors
1. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 01, 2020.
2. Update your email id and mobile number with your stock broker / depository participant and receive OTP directly from depository on your email id and/or mobile number to create pledge.
3. Check your securities / MF / bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month.
.......... Issued in the interest of Investors
Advisory for investors (Pursuant to BSE Notice No. 20210827-44 and NSE Circular Ref No: 45/2021 dated 27-Aug-2021)
1. Investors are advised not to blindly follow the unfounded rumours, tips given in social networks, SMS, WhatsApp, Blogs etc. and invest only after conducting appropriate analysis of respective companies. Beware of fraudster entities operating throughout India and sending bulk messages on the pretext of providing investment tips and luring investors to invest with them in their bogus firms by promising hefty profits.
2. Beware of unauthorised collective investments/portfolio management/fixed/guaranteed/regular returns/ payments/capital protection schemes. Brokers or their authorized persons or any of their associates are not authorized to offer fixed/guaranteed/regular returns/ capital protection on your investment or authorized to enter into any loan agreement with you to pay interest on the funds offered by you. Please note that in case of default of a member claim for funds or securities given to the broker under any arrangement/ agreement of indicative return will not be accepted by the relevant Committee of the Exchange as per the approved norms.
3. Do not keep funds idle with the Stock Broker. Please note that your stock broker has to return the credit balance lying with them, within three working days in case you have not done any transaction within last 30 calendar days. Please note that in case of default of a Member, claim for funds and securities, without any transaction on the exchange will not be accepted by the relevant Committee of the Exchange as per the approved norms.
4. Check the frequency of accounts settlement opted for. If you have opted for running account, please ensure that your broker settles your account and, in any case, not later than once in 90 days (or 30 days if you have opted for 30 days settlement). In case of declaration of trading member as defaulter, the claims of clients against such defaulter member would be subject to norms for eligibility of claims or compensation from IPF to the clients of the defaulter member. These norms are available on Exchange website at following link:
5. Brokers are not permitted to accept transfer of securities as margin. Securities offered as margin/ collateral MUST remain in the account of the client and can be pledged to the broker only by way of ‘margin pledge’, created in the Depository system. Clients are not permitted to place any securities with the broker or associate of the broker or authorized person of the broker for any reason. Broker can take securities belonging to clients only for settlement of securities sold by the client.
6. Always keep your contact details viz. Mobile number/Email ID updated with the stock broker to prevent unauthorised transactions in your account. Email and mobile number is mandatory and you must provide the same to your broker for updation in Exchange records and to receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your email/mobile at the end of the day. You must immediately take up the matter with Stock Broker/Exchange if you are not receiving the messages from Exchange/Depositories regularly.
7. Don't ignore any emails/SMSs received from the Exchange for trades done by you. Verify the same with the Contract notes/Statement of accounts received from your broker and report discrepancy, if any, to your broker in writing immediately and if the Stock Broker does not respond, please take this up with the Exchange/Depositories forthwith.
8. Check messages sent by Exchanges on a weekly basis regarding funds and securities balances reported by the trading member, compare it with the weekly statement of account sent by broker and immediately raise a concern to the exchange if you notice a discrepancy.
9. Please do not transfer funds, for the purposes of trading to anyone, including an authorized person or an associate of the broker, other than a SEBI registered Stock broker.
Segregation of Client Collateral
With a view to providing visibility of client-wise cash and non-cash collateral at TM, CM and Clearing Corporation (CC) levels, daily reporting of such collaterals to CC is put in place by us, in compliance with SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MRD2_DCAP/CIR/2021/0598 dated 20-Jul-2021 read with NCL circular nos. NCL-CMPL-49348 dated 20-Aug-2021, NCL-CMPL-49640 dated 17-Sept-2021 and NCL-CMPL-49640 dated 29-Sept-2021 and ICCl circular nos. 20210823-44 dated 23-Aug-2021, 20210917-56 dated 17-Sept-2021 and 20211001-58 dated 01-Oct-2021. Clients can register on the URL for viewing the collateral information.
Awareness on Rights Entitlements (SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2020/13 dated 22-Jan-2020 & SEBI/HO/CFD/SSEP/CIR/P/2022/66 dated 19-May-2022)
In accordance with SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MRD1/DTCS/CIR/P/2021/33 dated 22-March-2022, the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) the maximum time taken to restore operations of ‘Critical Systems’ from Data Recovery Site (DRS) after declaration of Disaster- shall be 45 minutes, and the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) - the maximum tolerable period for which data might be lost due to a major incident- shall be 15 minutes.
Links to e-Voting facility provided by listed entities (SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2020/242 dated 09-Dec-2020)
1. E-Voting CDSL
2. E-Voting NSDL
Risk Disclosure On Derivatives
(Pursuant to Annexure I of SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/73 dated 19-May-2023)
  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.

  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.

  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.

  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.

  • Source: SEBI study dated January 25, 2023 on “Analysis of Profit and Loss of Individual Traders dealing in equity Futures and Options (F&O) Segment”, wherein Aggregate Level findings are based on annual Profit/Loss incurred by individual traders in equity F&O during FY 2021-22.
    Precautions for clients dealing in Options
    (Pursuant to BSE Notice 20220325-58 dated March 25, 2022)
    Clients/Investors to avoid the following practices:
  • a) Sharing of trading credentials – login id & passwords including OTP’s.

  • b) Trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, which could lead to losses

  • c) Writing/ selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge & understanding of the product and its risks

  • d) Dealing in unsolicited tips through WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, calls, etc.

  • e) Trading in “Options” based on recommendations from unauthorized / unregistered investment advisors and influencers

  • FY2020-21 – Nil (as on date)
    FY2021-22 - Nil (as on date)
    BBPL policy document on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace
    Board of Directors
    1. Bharat Bagri – Whole time Director – DIN 01379855
    2. Uttam Bharat Bagri – Managing Director – DIN 01379841
    3. Utsav Uttam Bagri – Director - DIN 10198965
    Committee on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (w.e.f. 30-Apr-2021)
    1. Sarla Bagri - Presiding Officer
    2. Ankita Bagri - Member
    3. Manish Mourya - Member
    4. Dr.Vispi Bathena – External Member
    Aryaman Capital Markets Limited
    Escorp Asset Management Limited
    Roopshri Resorts Limited
    Vaksons Automobiles Limited
    Amson Apparels Limited
    Aryaman Capital Markets Limited
    Escorp Asset Management Limited
    Monarch Apparels (India) Limited
    Roopshri Resorts Limited
    Vaksons Automobiles Limited
    Amson Apparels Limited
    Aryaman Capital Markets Limited
    Escorp Asset Management Limited
    Monarch Apparels (India) Limited
    Roopshri Resorts Limited
    Vaksons Automobiles Limited
    Mr. Manish Mourya (Compliance Officer)
    Phone No:
    +91 22 22720000
    Mr. Uttam Bagri
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2023-24
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2022-23
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2021-22
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2020-21
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2019-20
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2018-19
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2017-18
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2016-17
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2015-16
    Annual Return for the F.Y. 2014-15
    BBPL Privacy Policy Grievance Officer
    Name: Mr. Manish Mourya
    Email ID:
    Phone No.: +91 22 22720000